Cultural Diversity

Lesson #7

Unit Plan: Cultural Diversity         
Topic: Making my Masterpiece!
Cycle Level:  Cycle three/Grade 6
Duration: 75 min
- Blackboard
- Smart Board
- Computer room 
- Computers (enough to have one computer for every child, or one per two students)
- Paper to print pictures
- Construction paper
- Scissors
- Glue
- Pencil, pens, markers
- Collage rubric (one per child)
File Size: 62 kb
File Type: pdf
Download File

10 min

15 min

35 min

 ** Today’s class will also take place in a computer room. **
- Discuss, as a class, what cultural diversity is all about.  
            - Ask them to reflect upon the whole unit plan, and to come up with a few ways 
                to represent cultural diversity.  
            - Write their ideas on the blackboard.
- Explain to the students that today they will be representing cultural diversity through a collage.

- Gather the students on the floor and demonstrate how to find pictures on the internet.
- Explain that they will have to find pictures, print the pictures and make a collage. 
- Tell students that they will combine the images onto one sheet of paper, and that the images may overlap each other.  Demonstrate what a collage looks like.  Look at this link
- Using the Smart Board, show students how to access the Internet by clicking on the Internet Explorer icon.
            - In the search bar, tell students to type in
            - Proceed by searching for examples of images that best represent you (maybe 
                an animal you like, or your favourite sport.
            - Show students how to Copy/Paste their selected images into a Word document.
- Explain the marking scheme.  
            - Display the rubric on the Smart Board and explain how the collage will be 
                graded (see the attached file at the top of the page).  
            - Remind them that creativity and originality is a key aspect 
                when finding pictures. 
- Inform the students that the collages will be hung in the hallway outside the classroom, for all to see.

- Allow the students to start doing their collage in class. 
- Remind them to start by looking for pictures
- Do not let them bring it home. 

**Students will start their collage in this lesson, but will also get time to work on it in the next class.  **