Cultural Diversity

Lesson #5

Unit Plan: Cultural Diversity         
Topic: Food Fiesta
Cycle Level:  Cycle three/Grade 6
Duration: 60 min
- Spacious, wide, open area 
- Pencil
- Journal
- Computer room
- Computers (enough to have one computer for every child, or one per two students)

10 min

30 min 

20 min
- Make sure each and every child brought in their appropriate foods. 
- Inform the students that today’s class will be about exploring different foods.  
- Disperse the foods throughout the classroom.

- The students will be dispersed across the classroom.  
- They will all get opportunities to walk around the class, in order to learn and explore new foods.  
- Inform the students that they must pay close attention to three foods, because they will have to write about them later.  
            -  Encourage the students to take notes in their journal. 
- Explain the written part, only once everyone got the opportunity to see everyone else’s food. 

- Once everyone has finished exploring, bring the classroom to the computer room and inform the students about the write-up.
- The students must blog about three different foods.   
             - They should explain what they saw, what they liked about this food, and what 
                they disliked.  
            - Most important, students must explain how these foods relate to our theme, 
                cultural diversity.